Dukes Head Yard

Exterior view from 1940

A tour of the Tayler and Green house in Highgate

Saturday 1st April 1100hrs

Docomomo members only, £15 SOLD OUT

Built for the Punch cartoonist Roger Pettiward, this three storey house has recently been restored. Completed in 1939, with a top-floor studio for its artist owner with views over London, garage, fitted kitchen, and maid’s room, the house is a snapshot of British Modernism in the period immediately before World War Two.

The current owners have kindly offered Docomomo UK members the chance to tour their home.

Interior photo from 1940

Please note that numbers for this visit are strictly limited, and only current Docomomo UK members will be allowed to join the tour.

To book please contact info@docomomo.org.uk. This event has now sold out, please email to be put on the wait list.


Rudolph Schindler


The steel-frame house: Restoring a Koenig