Park Hill revisited

Park Hill. Photo by Tim Crocker

A talk by Annalie Riches

Tuesday 4th July 1830hrs

At Heyne Tillett Steel 16 Chart Street London N1 6DD

This event also will be recorded and later published on our website

The Park Hill Estate in Sheffield was one of the most ambitious public housing schemes of the post-World War Two era. Designed by Jack Lynn and Ivor Smith in 1953 and completed in 1961 it was initially famous for the radical vision of the time; streets in the sky, spacious duplex apartments, views over the city, district heating and modular construction systems. However, this utopian vision became blighted by poor maintenance and the wider economic collapse of industrial Britain during the 1980s and 90s, and the estate fell into disrepair. In 1998 the scheme was controversially Grade II* listed.

More recently, Park Hill has been rebuilt by developers Urban Splash. Mikhail Riches were the architects for phase two of this project. Annalie Riches will explain their approach to the work.

Book tickets at Heyne Tillett Steel, free to Docomomo UK members

Book tickets at Heyne Tillett Steel, Docomomo UK non-members £6

Park Hill, original scheme

Park Hill and Hyde Park estates

Park Hill, original floorplans


Walking the Abercrombie plan


Hollamby’s Suburbs - Lambeth's low rise housing